Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's Saaaturrrrday!

Spent this morning watching for the eagles and their three fledglings. We saw only one adult and one fledgling. The young are moving further away from the nest. We may need to stop speaking about the eagles and move on to Dwain giving photography tips to the tourists. Wallowa Lake was beautiful as usual. Many boats, fishing and for pleasure. Canadian geese and Merganser ducks. Swallows and Kill Deer birds were busy looking for breakfast.

We came home for lunch then took a nap. Did laundry and dishes, fixed spaghetti for dinner. Not much happening today. The weather is hot so my body is resisting. My left thigh is intense tonight. I have an appointment with my medical doctor on Monday afternoon. I've tried ice and heat. Neither helps.

In October we will be hosting at Manhattan Beach Wayside. Then at Nehalem Bay State Park during November and December. I was worried about Christmas but the host coordinator said they can work around holiday-time.

Pardon my rambling tonight.


  1. Hi Deb, sounds like Wallowa Lake is a gorgeous place, how lucky you are to be able to spend the great weather there. Its so hot here, but its summer, its desert and it is what it is..the fall, winter and spring make up for the summer heat, but its hard to deal with at the time. this is our 2nd summer here, and I have to say it's better than last, we are more settled.

    anxious to hear what you doctor says on Monday about the pain you are having..

    take care Deb


  2. can't wait to hear what the doctor has to say tomorrow! Feel better soon!
