Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I apologize for not posting the last few weeks. In preparation for the holiday and our kids (and their I sounding old?) to come home, I found myself eliminating, in order to get through the day. I know you all relate, with or without Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue.

I wish you all a happy holiday season. I hope you are able to be with your family or friends and to enjoy the love you share with each other. Try to remember to take breaks and allow others to help. If it isn't done by now, resign to the realization, it doesn't need to be done. Now this last comment I should erase as I will definitely have trouble following. ;D

My love and friendship I send to you. You all are a part of my daily living with these dreaded diseases and I wish you well.


  1. Happy Holidays to you and your family. I understand the only doing what you can thing. Most people will never notice and totally understand if they do.Hope your fibro gives you less trouble for the holidays. Peace

  2. I hope you have a great time visiting with your family.

  3. Happy Holidays!! Have fun with your family and take care of yourself:) (((hugs)))

  4. The fibromyalgia does not leave us make a normal life but i see your interest by the blog is real. A few months ago saw an article of findrxonline where mentioned that the fibro must be treated according to the evaluation of the doctor and not casually. I hope more contributions yours for the sake of the community that need it.
