Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 3

Day 3 of a flu virus. Had a low grade fever this morning, but gone by this afternoon. This virus gave me an irritating cough, but hard to hack the junk up, headache and aches. It has increased my Fibromyalgia pain, including skin sensitivity..feels like sunburn. Resembles a nasty flare. My brain finally clicked on, so I increased my Neurotin. Unfortunately Dwain started with the same thing today. This is the first virus I've had in years. I've been lucky.


  1. I am so sorry you're under the weather and missing out on the things you'd looked forward to! I have had a demonic sinus infection and just wish like crazy that it was over. The doc said that the symptoms for it and the H1N1 are very similar, and I've definetly had the horrible cough you describe. Warm wishes for better health. I'm flaring, and stress at work doesn't help at all. I'm sipping coffee and hot tea, back and forth between the two of them all day.

  2. husband is a big proponent of I'm drinking tea with vinegar and honey. Too much sugar for me and upsets my tummy so can't drink two cups in a row. Not sure how you work with the sinus and flaring. You are a stronger woman than I young lady..maybe that's are younger! Feel better

  3. the christmas book is the ultimate Christmas book. It has great songs and arrangements of them. I hope you feel better soon!!!!!
