Sunday, November 1, 2009


"Inside every sick person is a well person wondering what the hell happened" Anonymous
Do you have this thought AT LEAST once a day? I do! I get tired of always feeling like crap.
I try hard to keep my appearance and demeanor UP so I'm not a medical drag. I feel if I complaint often, no one would want to be around me. When someone asks me about my Fibromyalgia and how I'm feeling, I get emotional. I choke up, tears often flow. I want to talk about it. I'm surprised by the emotion. I don't know if the emotion happens because I don't talk about it enough or if I was a complainer, the emotion would still over take me. Anyone else have this issue?
Saturday I visited with friends then did grocery shopping. I really should have separated the two. I didn't get to the grocery store 'til 3 pm. I'm already physically tired. My Fibro Fog was increasing by the minute. But I persevered! Got the shopping done. Picked up chicken and potato salad and headed home.
Today I did a few chores, watched a little football, took a nap, visited with in-laws then the
World Series. I think I accomplished enough!
I hope everyone has a good week ahead. We have a busy social calender the first three days. Dinner with friends in Seaside at Norma's in Seaside, Oregon. Norma's has a senior discount on Mondays..half price after 5 pm. November 2nd is the first day. Tuesday we are traveling to LaCenter, Washington to visit with Adam, Carrie and Lyla. Wednesday we will be honored with a visit from our friends, the Olsons. Planning to have lunch out. I think after Wednesday, I will need a day off. :D


  1. Getting emotional is so true. Not enough people talk about Fibro or want to know. Most still think it is all in our heads. I have found very few people to fully accept our condition. It is very hard trying to keep appearance when all I want to do is rest in my PJs. You have a lot going on and people need to understand when to help you more and let you rest. Visiting really takes it out of me. I am not an emotional person, but I wish I was sometimes just to get the fibo point across. I am very lucky to finaly have supportive people in my life.


  2. Thanks..nice to have people read my blog who totally understand. :D
