Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is the Day!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life ... What will you do with it?

Will you advocate for yourself? Choose to be proactive.

Will you locate a physician who will work with you to find the right medication and who will give you good medical advice?

Will you decide to loose weight or continue on a path to obesity?

I hope you choose to be proactive and advocate for yourself. Find a physician with whom you are comfortable and can openly discuss your medical needs. The first question should be whether they believe in Fibromyalgia and if they treat Fibromyalgia patients. You want them for the long haul, so interview like you would if you could chose your child's teacher. Your daily existence depends on how your physician treats you. If they do not fight for your health, what do you have? The answer, we know to well...high level pain, migraines, IBS, etc. We deserve to feel the best that we can while living with Fibromyalgia or any other chronic disease. Because you will interact often with the physician's do they interact with you? Be strong, advocate for yourself and be proactive!!

The song, "I am Woman Hear Me Roar" comes to mind. :D

Because it is difficult for many of us to do aerobic exercise, obesity is becoming a problem. Obesity is a medical condition by itself. I've come to the conclusion that I need an exercise buddy. Someone to stretch with me and to go on a walk daily. Because we travel, my buddy is usually my husband. For some reason when I want to walk, he doesn't. It's difficult to mesh our schedules.

I hope we all can make a committment to helping our bodies to heal.


  1. Hi Deb thanks so much for stopping by and reading about my 'babies'. they keep us sane in a crazy world!


  2. HI,
    I have just recently been diagnosed with fibro. and look forward to reading more of your blog. My mom also has fibro. but I am looking to connect with people in the blog world. Hope you can stop my new blog sometime:)

  3. Hi Deb! thanks for stopping by..and have a happy halloween! I hope its relaxing and pain free my friend!


  4. Excellent points. Having a good doctor is SUCH a big deal! I'm so thankful to finally have one! :) Heeheehee, now I have that song in my head, good analogy. :)

  5. Hello I also have Fibro. I also blog about my experiences. I try not to let it interfere with my life. I know you know how hard this is. Nice to know I am not alone.Happy blogging. I live in Canada.

  6. is logical, one has to decide whether to care or not, we must be strong and make the best choice because it is our body that suffers daily with pain, so the painkillers like vicodin, hydrocodone, norco, just help us relieve pain but will never take away the pain and it is true that being overweight is a nuisance for those who suffer from fibro, hopefully make the best decision, I at least chose to exercise and take medications to control chronic pain.

    Lilly Abbott
