Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Future is Spotless

"Our future is spotless" I interpret this to mean that the year 2011 is about to begin and what we do with 2011 as a blank slate, is our individual choice.

Will you choose to be positive?
Will you recognize when others need your help?
Will you choose to take the class you want to take because it's what YOU want for yourself?
Will you choose to eat well? Drive carefully? Tend to your health?
Will you choose to parent well?
Will you choose to share your wealth? I'm not talking about money.
Will you choose to believe in a higher power? Or not?
Will you find the style of book you enjoy?
Will you be proud of your tone of voice?
Will you volunteer for those less fortunate?

I hope that you will recognize that YOUR "future is spotless" like a blank canvas...paint your life colorful and clear.

Happy New Year!


  1. Very good post I like it.True. Happy 2011.

  2. You have great incite. Thank You for giving me something to think about. I'll let you know about my progress.
