Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have sciatica! It hurts! It's not bad enough to have FM and CF, I am blessed with sciatica. Blessed? I should make an appointment with my Chiropractor, but will wait another day, continuing my back exercises. I have spent more time in my recliner in the morning the last couple of days. Nervous that the sciatica will increase my Fibromyalgia pain. It has a little, but not significantly. I think the quieter mornings have helped.

I do feel accomplished in completing household chores, some of which are not daily chores ... working towards a winter house cleaning.

Enjoying the chase for the ALCS title. Feel sorry for the Angels, but the Yankees rule.

Dwain is working on shelves for cupboards in the RV. Looking forward to getting them installed.

Having lunch with my friend Jacquie on Wednesday. Looking forward to the time together.

I'm missing Patrick and Joshua. It's been three weeks since we left Wallowa.

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